high performance ssd vps

mercoledì 1 ottobre 2008 Posted by Freddy at 22:47

"31st September 2008"

Mass mailed a couple of days ago to hundreds of recipients (click to enlarge):

Pick one possible explanation:
  • A) She is Blonde
  • B) She is stupid (see A)
  • C) She is ignorant (next one will be about the 31st of November)
  • D) She is Irish (attention to the detail? Never heard of it.)
  • E) All of the above


andima ha detto...

ahahahaha great :D
I'm going for options ABC, well another options could summarize everything:
X) She is. (a woman)


bacco1977 ha detto...


Zax (Andrea) ha detto...

E !!!
